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Aikido Solstice Seminars

Public·8 members

MeTooAikido and Aikido Solstice are continuing to collaborate to develop a guide to recognizing healthy dojos, with green, yellow and red flags. Please check out and comment on the working document at, or add your comments and suggestions here. After collecting input, we will edit and publicize the finished guide.

Always wondering what I wish I was told before starting aikido. Hummmm, maybe being allowed to step off the mat and take a break if needed. Being able to ask questions, and not be told that we shouldn't ask questions when asked if we have questions. Having instructors that are open to talking about your experience and brainstorming when others are trying to hurt you physically and such. I cannot change the past, but I do hope this discussion helps others find the best dojos for training!

I found the last meeting to be a great meeting. (And that is coming from someone that hates zoom meetings). The ideas discussed, and the things shared, made a big difference to me.

Thank you all for participating!

Neilufar Naini
Neilufar Naini
Jun 27, 2023

Guy, Great to have you there and nice to hear your comments. This topic feels important as sometimes joining a dojo can feel isolating when things feel off and you are trying to learn a new martial art, culture, and etiquette.

Tomorrow, June 17, Aikido Solstice Seminars in collaboration with MeTooAikido, will be hosting a Zoom discussion called "How Healthy Is Your Dojo: Green, Yellow and Red Flags". Please see upcoming events on this site for details. We hope you can join us, but also, lets discuss here. What are green, yellow and red flags you look for? Why? Many apparent green flags have "evil twin" red flags. How do you tell them apart?

Janice Taitel
Janice Taitel
Jun 16, 2023

One issue I see which can be either green or red is free labor. I think it is a green flag when everyone, sensei/dojocho included, helps clean the mat and keep the dojo tidy. However, it is a yellow flag when members are expected to provide extensive free labor or their professional services for free. And it is a red flag when they are doing this for the sensei, as opposed to the dojo. What do you think?


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